Gettin’ All Worked Up

During the aftermath of an affair, it is important to take good care of yourself. Since the affair becomes an obsession, many times people neglect their own self care. They don’t eat right, they don’t exercise, they don’t sleep well, etc. Besides not taking care of themselves physically, they do not take care of themselves emotionally. It is the poor emotional self-care that is the focus of this post.

One of the ways that resolute spouses ravage themselves emotionally is by reading or watching popular media. What I mean by this, is that you want to avoid reading romance novels, and seeing romantic movies. These things will only serve to get you worked up emotionally. They make matters worse by stirring up your at a time when you are emotionally vulnerable. Even non-romance novels can be hazardous during this time. The way movies and novels portray and deal with relationships often create emotional drama and create sympathy for the adultery. When a person is emotionally vulnerable, these kinds of drama and confusing of relationship issues can lead them to make some poor choices. People often allow authors and screenwriters to take advantage of them in a way they would never allow a counselor or other professional do when they were vulnerable. Think about that, would you allow someone to talk you into accepting compromising situations to exploit your vulnerabilities if it were a real live person? Professionals go to jail and loose their licenses over such behaviors. Despite this, the resolute spouse listens to the advice and allows the advances of others in the form of novels and movies to confuse their mind during this critical and sensitive time.

When you are going through such vulnerable times, it is important to take care of yourself. Part of that care is avoiding novels, romance novels and movies.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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