More on the mind of an infidel

In some of the research done on trance states, some interesting findings occur. It seems that while in the trance state, the person is able to engage in activities like answer the phone, take messages and other mundane tasks, yet while in that state does not recall having done those things or even having done them. The person in the trance remains so focused on the object of their mind they are oblivious to other actions.

When I have talked with couples, this same kind of phenomena often occurs. The infidel does the mundane tasks, but always seems ‘a bit out of it’. This is initially dismissed. The infidel may be doing the daily activities of life, but their mind is elsewhere. While in this state, they are also willing to engage in sexual acts they would not normally do. It is as if they are now in a type of bondage to the person they are in the affair with. Some of the writing concerning people in bondage describe this mindset of subservience as part of what occurs. I suspect that this mindset is not so much about enjoying the bondage, but is more about being in a trance-like state regarding the affair.

If your partner is in a trance, do not dismiss it. Get them to pull out of it. Talk to them about things that require engaging the mind. Do not continue in the mindless existence of everyday routine.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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