Celebrating the Infidel

Have you ever noticed that society often celebrates cheaters? Take a look at how movies, pop culture, songs, celebrities and politicians are celebrated when they are cheaters.

Cheaters are made heroes and made the attractive people. By making the cheaters attractive, it gives a nod of approval to infidelity.

Rather than being seen as a shameful act, it is often condoned and encouraged. In the name of love, you are forced to accept their profligacy.

When there’s such a celebration of the cheater, it’s no wonder that there are so many marriages falling apart these days due to infidelity.

Rather than celebrating the cheaters, it would strengthen families more, if commitment and loyalty to one’s spouse was celebrated.  Think about what would happen in your family if the values of commitment and loyalty were celebrated and encouraged.

Your home would be a different place. Instead, when the media admires cheaters, it send a message that cheating is acceptable. It ‘normalizes’ cheating, making you think it’s an acceptable everyday event.

In America, there’s a celebration of the Character Counts Week. You may want to celebrate true character of loyalty and commitment rather than cheaters who merely talk a good game.

True character is more about how loyal a person is to their spouse and how they treat their children than what social cause they belong to.  Celebrating the wrong thing leads to a moral veneer covering a dark heart.

When infidels persons are praised, it only encourages the cheaters to be more creative and teaches children that such character defects are acceptable. If they help society, have the right political leanings or make enough money, it’s considered acceptable for them to destroy your marriage and family.

This is totally opposite what is needed. We need role models whose concern is having strong families, regardless of how much money they make or what impact they have in society.

Some infidels have their pictures hung in classrooms as role  models. When the child finds out their hero slept around on their wife or had multiple affairs, what message do they receive?

Do they take in only the ‘acceptable’ parts or the ‘bad’ parts? The hero is not just about what they accomplish, it includes what they left behind in terms of marriage and family.

Sadly, there are few good role models when it comes to commitment and remaining loyal to one’s wife. I was astounded when a comment on one of my hubs actually wanted Prince Charles and Camilla Parker celebrated due to how they loved each other over a 30 year period.

I was stunned! Each of them cheated on their spouses prior to being married. That’s not something to celebrate, admire, praise or elevate.

I realized that comment is in keeping with modern society, that if it is “love” or you have the right politics or right connections, it doesn’t matter how many families you destroy, or children you abandon along the way.

So before you take off and bring role models into your home, consider how they loved their husband or wife and how committed they were to them, that’s real character.

When your ready to start rebuilding your life and marriage rather than celebrate the infidels, consider the support community at Restored Lifestyle.

Best Regards,


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13 Responses

  1. Huzzah!…I nominate the DUGGAR family!

    I am almost shocked that the media let that one slip by!

    Thanks for speaking up on what more than a few think but do not have the VOICE.

    All kinds of people are concerned about the ‘voice of the 99%”

    I think sometimes those who are most vocal and have the ‘ear’ of those who control the media are not as ‘many ‘ as they are made to appear ..they are just louder …and seem to have a LOT of TIME on their hands while others are busy living and learning to grow in godliness and responsibility.

    : >D !!!!

    1. Zaza,

      Thank you for your kind comment. I had not thought about giving voice to others, I just share my frustrations, observations and insights. I hate affairs and the destruction they bring. It strikes me as bizarre for society to celebrate infidelity, honor cheaters in the schools and then wonder why they can not keep their own marriages together. You can not celebrate cheaters and then expect that not to impact your own family. Some of those who share their tearful stories with me have often celebrated cheaters and honored them as noble people, only to reap what they have sown.

      Getting rid of infidelity will mean that families will need to consider character in terms of right and wrong for their heroes. This means that they will first need to consider how the hero treated their wife or husband and children. That should be the first litmus test of a true hero, worthy of celebration. If they are not loyal to their spouses, they will not be loyal to their cause.

  2. Yes, thank you for standing up for and even clarifying those kinds of character traits that bring the best not only in marriage but in life. If we want our children to have at least ONE great role model I advocate the father …in learning HOW to love his wife….[I reference the Bible ]

    To love one’s wife …as you know …is one of the best lessons any child can have of the benefits of love…faithful, enduring , deliberate forming of the habit of self control for the sake of the actual benefits a man is to have for HIS OWN health and welfare.

    No other occupation in life provides such a vast possibility for fulfilment. No other presents such challenges for developing ones creativity . A scattered mind is one that dribbles out it’s resourcefulness here and there …one that is focused upon something developmental brings not just great satisfaction but growth and benefits to all that are near and dear but through the passing on to the next generation …stability that is learned in no other venue.

    Looking at the ‘fruit’ of even focus upon the development of a talent, ability or hobby as great reward but making one’s spouse the focus of time , energy and ingenuity for the purpose of learning to love is boundless in it’s effects upon generations .

    Sadly the influences that have come through the exhaltation of movie stars …even ones like John Wayne who displayed SOME good attributes but presented an image of manhood that was both ‘gallent’ but distant and independent which is not useful for ‘leaving and cleaving ‘ required in marriage to become ONE flesh ….and a new ‘individual ‘ made of TWO .

    The lack of learning of our gender specific beauties and strengths that are intended by GOD to be the fruit of a lifetime of entering , growing , and protecting the ‘couplehood ‘ has been fading in the shadow of media offerings from Masters and Johnsons work, the Feminist Mystique, Kinsey’s perseverions presented to the 1950’s as NORM …began a flooding of our consciousness as a people set on a mad course of ruin.

    I saddened to observe the latter effects of the glamourizing of James Bond …and various other idols created for men to ‘learn ‘ manhood after a length of many raised by mothers in homes where the fathers worked long hours away from home….the image of a man being independent, charming, womanizing set before young men who had no other information than the lockeroom and the men’s magazines for guide….the churches left off teaching the ‘hard truths’ long ago to fill the pews ….tickling itching ears ready for hearing only what was pleasing …

    My own husband’s father was a great guy but did not know GOD nor care to hear about him

    HIs mom the same attitude …we could discuss ANYTHING but God and His word …they actually told me NOT to speak in their home of Jesus Christ …as I said once before

    This independence and pleasure seeking from that era where morality was cast off except for a vineer for appearance sake was followed closely on the heels by the 60’s , Alaster Crowley’ s philosophy of ‘do what thou wilt’ in all kinds of music , especially …and we all know what that era has wrought.

    I appreciate your bringing the issue of character up so much .It has pretty much been unseen ..except among the homeschool community where it is actually found in many of the cirriculum materials ‘

    So lost is our culture to this idea….God provide his WORD which Jesus said were what would judge every one of us …and so it actually serves us well as an OPEN BOOK test of sorts…One would think it would be wise to invest some time to SEE what GOD tells us is going to be on the test and maybe more would enjoy the benefits of the protection that HEEDING his words would bring about and enjoy the lifespan more

    It is much better to have lived knowing you have made every effort to have benefited others and tried to avoid hurting them than the legacy my own husband and his OW now have …What have THEY contributed to the world ? It is sad …what they thought was not hurting anyone since they were so good at lying ,stealing and presenting a ‘wonderful’ image to others…now is a bitter thing for them to realize that they spent SO MUCH of their time , energy and talent devising ways to hurt so many people who did nothing to merit such treatment

    The pleasure is over ..and now the rest of their lives they are trying to overcome their consciences. At least my HUSBAND is …Jesus gave a way …but getting to the place of RECEIVING that …is another matter…it is not as easy as just quiting the adultery …it is a LONG and HARD working process to renew the mind to make the effort to change that mindset and memories

    But with GOD it is possible to put on his words ..HE calls it the RENEWED mind….to put on the word daily and then live according to what you learn.

    I am thankful for your offering a place to speak what is on my mind …Thank you …keep up the great offering of ideas and helps to people who are not taking this lying down but want to make good choices and need the encouragment

    Marriage is for life…it CAN be awesome ..even after infidelity …learning to forgive is a lesson we can alway use practice in …hard as well ..but worth it …

    I believe all these broken marriage are a wonderful platform to see how obeying GOD will lift him up .

    The world has little to offer those hurting from infidelity…..the ‘advice’ is often …”Hey doesn’t GOd want you to be ‘happy ‘ ….I look at the cross and hear the word that we are to lay down our lives and we will gain it ….through the obedience to the words of Jesus Christ we may live lives that are some kind of legacy that the World has not seen but needs to .

    Redemption is God’s glory .

    Good job encouraging people in this difficult area of life Jeff!

    1. Zaza,

      You have some wonderful insights. Being a homeschooling father, I understand what you are saying about curriculum. Over the generations, the public has celebrated a lifestyle that is more conducive to affairs than to loyalty within the marriage. It is easy to blame Hollywood, yet I know the reality also includes the public who want such products. If the public did not go see those movies, etc., they would not have been made. Hollywood is merely the symptom of a common pro-infidelity mindset present in society at large. I realize there are small pockets that do not think that way, and those pockets need to be salt and light to the rest of society in such matters, rather than succumbing to the mainstream pop culture.

  3. “Marriage is for life…it CAN be awesome ..even after infidelity …learning to forgive is a lesson we can alway use practice in …hard as well ..but worth it …

    I believe all these broken marriage are a wonderful platform to see how obeying GOD will lift him up.”
    And for this reason it is also true that someone who comitted adultery can still be a wonderful role model, as long as the modeling behaviour is the turning away from the sin, repair, apologies, and reconciliation.

    “The world has little to offer those hurting from infidelity…”
    This only seems true because there is so much advice counter to Standing that encourages kicking them to the curb, witholding forgiveness, vengeance, entitlement…
    But there are many resources for those hurting from betrayal if one makes an effort to look. The resources will rarely be from personal friends–they hurt for you and want tos top the hurting and to them that involves getting rid of the person hurting you. The resources are from those with experience and who are presently sharing the experience of betrayal and from those who share your beliefs and goals.

    1. Rollercoasterider,

      I agree, marriage is for life, even after infidelity. Sadly, it is often equated with some kind of unforgivable sin and Bible teachings on adultery and marriage are often twisted to equate adultery with a guilt-free ticket out of the marriage. That is not what is written, although it has been twisted by many into saying such an atrocious teaching.

      In those cases, some in the church have created a theological loophole out of marriage. The unforgiveness when it comes to infidelity merely adds tension to the situation which makes divorce look even better. Unforgiveness in such situations actually adds to the problem rather than solving it or helping people through it. In this area, Churches also need to quit celebrating the infidel by providing an easy out and condoning such heresies as “adultery is an acceptable reason for divorce” as part of their theology.

      I commented to Zaza that Hollywood is often the symptom, the many churches wrong teaching on adultery is closer to the root of the problem regarding the celebration of the infidel. When the theology on this topic changes, then there will be major changes in society on the matter,( in my opinion.)

  4. I couldn’t agree more with both of your insights.

    When I said the “world’ does not offer much to those who are wanting to ‘stand ‘ for their marriages I believe that is in the context of the identity of WHAT the “world’ is as Jesus told us …It is all ..everything counter to HIS kingdom

    Luk 17:20 ¶ And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God COMETH NOT WITH OBSERVATION

    Luk 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU

    Jhn 18:36 Jesus answered, MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

    From the frequent references in the Bible that Jesus made regarding the differences between the “WORLD ” and those “OF the WORLD ” and his “KINGDOM” I concluded that there are ‘two kingdoms’ wherein we may be influnenced.

    I believe Jesus told us that HIS KINGDOM was SPIRIT…and thus it is found in that which IS siritual …He told us where that is to be found. .

    Jhn 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth;THE FLESH PROFITETH NOTHING ;

    THE WORDS that I speak unto you ….ARE SPIRIT ….and ARE LIFE.

    I believe that it is in the study and ” putting on ‘ of God’s Word where we are thus able to have our
    ‘assignments in HOW to live…behave…and believe .

    ALL of what GOD reveals is for our GOOD

    I think rejection of that is just as Eve’s thought process indicated …she SAW something that she was compelled to REASON it was good …it even may have BEEN GOOD …since nothing GOD made was not good …but SHE desired it OUTSIDE the protective BOUNDARIES of what GOD intended it for.

    No matter what we may think the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil ‘ might have been in any material sense….I believe that GOD’S intent was to offer the arena of CHOICE to the environment of man’s world so that by way of choosing to OBEY His command man would demonstrate LOVE .

    All love calls for a choice to be made….to serve one ‘master ‘ or another.

    It is indeed sacrificial for anyone to choose DAILY to love by way of ACTING n a faithful way to that which he loves…and in this protects what he loves

    God protected man with His own act of love by way of providing an environment that was perfect ACCORDING to HIS PLAN.

    The CHOICE that man was given was the venue for him being able to choose what he might have desired because it LOOKED GOOD …and even might have BEEN GOOD …but HIS position between what he WANTED and what GOD told Him to do …put him in more of a position to be demonstrating true love for GOD and more than that a RECOGNITION that GOD is GOOD .

    When we regard someone as wise, good and one that has our best interest in mind then it is more compellling to do what would please them.

    God is GOOD , WISE and always concerned about our BEST

    The “world’ as a closer study of it IN the WORD …shows that the world and ‘those OF the world ‘ are focused upon the temporal pleasures and profit that the FLESH motivates apart from consideration of GOD and what HE told us was “GOOD ” for us and all .

    I think that when we think of GOD as PROHIBITIVE and not having our best interest in mind there has been an ‘image ‘ of God that has been created by way of man’s experience with his own nature and the behavior of others ….as eventually most people behave in a selfish way in some manner if they are pushed to the wall of ‘desire’ or ‘need’ by way of their own definition …and IF they DO NOT KNOW the truths of what GOD has told us about the FALLEN nature which is ‘enmity ‘ against God’s ways.

    Thus it seems when a person sees or desires something that is GOOD ….but out of context of what GOd intended …he lusts for it and justifies that because it is good …and ‘natural’ and FEELS good” then “why not have it ‘ …he has then demonstrated the idea that either GOD is NOT good ..or is withholding OR that the Bible was ‘written by men ‘ and is not really of any use to learn what to do with the life he has …thus evolutionary thought has been one of the ways man has been compelled to ‘not worry ‘ about pleasing ‘God” who is only a fabrication of each individual mind….etc

    It is ONLY when we have a trust that ‘GOD is GOOD ‘ and that HE IS …as Hebrews states …that we are going to pursue….and find that it was not GOD who was in any way responsibile for the conflict we find ourselves in but our own fleshly minds that are apart from HIM

    If we are willing to pursue not just KNOWLEDGE from HIM but UNDERSTANDING of what HIS intentions are from within the allowing of ALL scripture to be considered for our learning that we then are brought ot see the GOODNESS of GOD’S WORDS to us for our own protection , provision in all things pertaining to life and godliness which results in wise thoughts and behaviours.

    God is GOOD …God knows the ways of man’s own thinking …and God has the wisdom we need to navigate through THIS FALLEN WORLD for the best of all …here AND in eternity through entering in the strait gate who is Jesus Christ and then following HIM ….and considering all he told us was the WAY to righteousness applied to our lifespan.

    People like to quote this verse as if to say Jesus did not judge .

    Jhn 12:47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I CAME NOT TO JUDGE THE WORLD , but to save the world.

    …I suggeest that we read further … because the necessity of judgment BEGGED the sacrificial satisfaction of God’s judgment AND he never gave a judgment without a prior warning to man.

    As per the GARDEN wherein …along with the ONE command he also told the consequence so as to fully demonstrate his LOVE for man …always a warning BEFORE the situation presented itself …

    That above verse was FOLLOWED ….in CONTEXT with this ..

    Jhn 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath ONE THAT JUDGETH HIM >>>>>THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN ,…………..THE SAME SHALL JUDGE HIM in the last day.

    The entire Word of GOD is GIVEN SO that we may observe …seek …find out WHAT GOD’S criteria is ….Jesus did not come TO JUDGE because the WORLD was already UNDER condemnation FROM the time of the judgment that the FALL brought upon it

    The sin of disobeying God’s ONE command held WITHIN it the judgment should Adam disobey .

    It was not GOD bringing down the ‘boom’ upon Adam and all of his following seed..the fleshly part …

    But it was that that particular act of disobeying GOD would bring IN it …the consequence of it …DEATH to the flesh

    Jesus did not come to judge the WORLD because it was ALREADY judged and in need of a SAVIOR and WHO SO EVER would RECEIVE that sacrificial provision which was performed by JESUS himself …would then FOLLOW AFTER HIM …and OBEY

    Rom 5:19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners,

    so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

    That points out another truth …this says “many be MADE righteous’

    The LORD said “FEW”

    Obedience is not that hard if one is led to learn what it is that we are called to DO

    There are many directives involved …but the first is to become AWARE of our need for a saviour

    As you have pointed out the “WORLD ‘ be it by way of conversation ….choice of ‘companions’ or the media of various kiinds…it is ALL what is our INFLUENCE …and what we CHOOSE as influences

    The WORD is spirit . …>HIS SPIRIT …and it is told to us that we should seek in it.. study it….search in it…..and make it our closest ‘COMPANION” because

    the MIND is the fulcum point of what a person makes his decisions and thus his life from

    Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

    Eph 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

    Col 3:10 And have put on the new [man], which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

    The holy spirit of GOD which was poured out on the day of Pentecost UPON ALL flesh …everyone ..IS HIS SPIRIT

    It is called the ‘annointing ” as in the Old Testament it was preimaged by the application upon the head …with “oil’ another picture of the HOLY SPIRIT

    JESUS just TOLD us that HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT….HIS spirit

    When we have the WORD ….not “upon ‘ but IN our minds then we have the knowledge of what it is GOD will be doing within us …through knowledge of HIS WORD/ SPIRIT and thus AS we obey it …as it comes up from within where we have obediently ‘sown ‘ it …HE will GUIDE us ..into all truth …into doing what HE directs us to do .

    Knowledge and application of ALL scripture is what results in …righteousness LIVED OUT IF we are willing to SUBMIT to it.

    It is GOD WORKING …HIS “good works ” IN us through this process of the renewal of the mind upon HIS words which ARE spirit and ARE life ..that results in the ‘cleansing of the ‘temple ‘ for HE told us that WE are the temple of the holy spirit …thus the word “washes ‘ within .,..as we LIVE by it …

    It must ABIDE IN us …in our minds…in order for HIM to DIRECT Us ..in the way that we should GO.

    He is the ONLY “GOOD ” according to Jesus Christ so then the ‘good works that we have been foreordained that we should walk in ‘ are not constructs of our culture or our own emotional ideas …but it is HIS WORD that produces the MOTIVES that are in line with HIS WORDS /. SPIRIT that thus influence us to WALK IN …HIS …WORKS….and HIS works are righteousness.

    How can man DO ‘righteous judgment”??? Where can he find the way to “judge righteous judgment” ?

    Not the world surely ….!

    it is found here …

    2Ti 3:16 ALL SCRIPTURE [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS:

    THEN we become EQUIPPED ..to do this ..

    Jhn 7:24 Judge NOT ACCORDING TO APPEARANCE, but judge righteous judgment.

    Those who are ‘OF the WORLD ” are NOT equipped thus because they either do not know the LORD and HIS WORDS which are this ‘righteousness’ that his word offers ‘INSTRUCTION” in

    OR they have rejected the very words that Jesus told us would give them insight into THE JUDGMENT that all are measured by

    So when a person offers the clear teaching of Jesus Christ on all matters …it is not the person’s personal opinion…though that is what those who know NOT the WORD may think …if it what GOD says about anything …it is HIS judgment …

    We are to allow the word to MEASURE our own thoughts…the Sword of the Spirit which the word says IS the WORD that reveals to us our THOUGHTS and INTENTIONS that we might COMPARE what we are thiinking and HOW that measures up to the way GOD thinks

    What a gift we have to evaluate our every thought …in order that we may be corrected and then learn to walk in accordance with God who is GOOD and who has provided a clear path to living life in such a way that we do no evil to our neighbor …which he has recorded is the definitive foundation of love

    Rom 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of the law.

    2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    We are without excuse for our ignorance at this time because since Christ came …brought the truth to light for all to be able to seek out and he also will teach us from within that …when we have put it on …with a heart prepared to receive it …we are no longer without the WAY to be able to please and obey Him

    He has even given us power to NOT obey the ‘law of sin and death ‘ that works in the fallen flesh of our own minds..and that of the influence of others…who know not GOD

    His WORD is NOW available to all who are willing to seek it out .

    Hbr 4:12 For the WORD OF GOD [is] quick[LIVING], and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and IS A DISCERNER OF THE THOUGHTS AND INTENTS OF THE HEART

    When someone defies correction and says ‘The Lord knows my heart’ as if that is sufficient excuse to go ahead and do something less that the will of God which he has revealed …it is to deny the truth about the heart that is NOT turned to concern itself with the commandments of GOD and to DO them …

    The WORD reveals our motives to US first so we may seek HIS strength and help to OBEY HIM

    HE will provide this to those who care to be obedient to Him

    But for those who are ‘sufficient unto themselves’ and do not seek to find and obey GOD

    HE tells us …that failing to adjust our thinking …or renew our minds to HIS words/ will …our hearts are in this condition .

    Jer 17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Jer 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, [I] try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.

    We may apply the Word to our own lives, minds and hearts…and seeing our need of instruction , reproof and correction …we may then seek HIM to enable us to learn and do all that he has asked and provided for us to learn …thus a transformed mind and life

    Rom 12:2 And be NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD but

    be ye TRANSFORMED BY the RENEWING of your MIND, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    The Word is like the SOFTWARE of the LORDS SPIRIT ..then the SPIRIT OF THE LORD uses what HE has spoken by inspiration …’GOD BREATHED ‘ that we have placed in our minds..to guide us along to obey Him …what HE has had written .

    When we KNOW it and then SUBMIT to it …HE will correct us as we go along ..obeying what we are learning and progressively clarifying the understanding that is HIS …rather than leaning upon our own .or that of others..no matter HOW well intended what is brought may seem to be …or by whom

    We can only KNOW what is truth by way of our own investigation of it by way of learning what HE has said ..and then applying it to our lives…

    Those who reject this are only continuing on in the fallen state that they are born into in THIS world which REMAINS under the judgment of the FALL

    Our ‘escape route’ has been provided and it is ONLY THROUGH a ‘life transplant ‘ that Jesus Christ has lived , exampled and described for us as THE ONLY WAY ” for us to LIVE …not just talk about …but actually APPLY to our living by way of changing our thoughts to HIS thoughts..

    The world is constantly applying it’s INFLUENCE to our minds…and before we came to have any of the WORDS of GOD available it has been influencing our thoughts , opinions and thus our actions

    The walk following Jesus Christ takes the knowledge of just WHAT it was HE said …not just what someone says ABOUT what he said…and then to APPLY it ..DO it …as we go along ..

    He told us that it takes A DAILY ‘meal’ of the bread that came down from heaven for us to remain free of the influences of THIS WORLD

    2Cr 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

    This is the ‘work’ we can do so that Christ can do HIS WORK ..IN US ..through his Word …

    Thus He has provided the Way that man CAN come into the kingdom …by way of the WORD ..seeking it ..then applying it to his life …

    Thus the LORD can make this demand upon us .

    Act 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

    This is encouraging as we see GOD IS GOOD and HAS made the WAY for Whomsoever who is willing to …to have a transformed LIFE

    Man is NOT left on his own to make all the changes without the aid of GOD and all that GOD is able to do

    Man’s problem is not that GOD is not good or that GOD is not present …it is that man has bought the lie that GOD does not care or that GOD is not able

    These are both lies

    Man is in need of being meek enought to HEAR and then RECEIVE what GOD has revealed so that MAN may then follow those truths to his own release from the prison of darkness , ignorance, and bondage to sin ….

    Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    We do not HAVE to obey ‘ the law of sin and death ‘ which is the urging of the flesh to disobey the laws if life that is IN Jesus CHRIST …we CAN obey the laws of GOD which are ALL of his word as we learn them and then apply them to our vairous situations in life…our thoughts…

    The various ways people have heard this verse have been destructive in that many heard ‘free from the law’ and thought that there was no longer any necessity to follow the LORD in the TRUTHS that are contained throughout ALL scripture for our being transfomed by applying the WORD to our choices

    The word ” iniquity’ means “LAWLESSNESS” …there are many that teach that the law was erased ..no longer to be considered as our guide to living ..and thus MUCH ‘iniquity ‘ has been brought about within bodies of those who are thinking it is the truth of the WORD!

    This is grievous …and has caused MUCH confusion and damage as people ‘let loose’ their fleshly desires without much of a fight …sin abounds and this is not good ..it has set an false image of the LORD before the people …both in and out of the church ..

    This is another area for pursuit …I will not expound upon …I have already gone on at great LENGTH to respond to the clarification of what I was referring to as “THE WORLD” in my above post.

    I thank you for your patience and endurance of considering what I have sought to clarify here ..

    Through many trials I have pursued in the WORD for answers as I have endeavored to learn WHY things are the way they are …and it seemed that there was a distinct decline of our culture…and even amidst those who claimed to love the LORD

    Without the WORD as our textbook we become ill equipped to discern what IS and what is NOT the truth of the WORD of GOD …ALL scripture is our supply for finding out the way of TRUTH that exposes the various ways our world has gotten into the state it is presenty in

    It is fallen …but our hope is in the truth …Jesus Christ is the DOOR through which we may enter into eternity NOW …even as we are told to DIE TO the FLESH …rather than DIE WITH it …

    by way of the SWORD of TRUTH which IS the WORD of GOD .

    I am thankful for the opportunity to share some of my thoughts here…may they become more and more refined by His words….and offer more and more light as we go along


  5. By the way ….I have found several sites over the last several years that DO offer support and encouragement for the lifelong marriage standers…..so I agree they are out there for those who are intent to keep their vows for life.

    Thanks for mentioning that …

    1. Zaza,

      That is encouraging to hear. Tell me more…We need more sites that encourage couples to work through it rather than hang it up. What’s more, we need counselors, psychiatrists, lawyers and judges that encourage couples to work through it rather than clean the carcasses.

  6. Other sites besides yours …
    .Rejoice Ministries,
    Save Our Marriage,
    Jimmy and Karen Evans Marriage on the Rock
    ….Vison Forum-has many books and videos helping family and marriage issues.
    …Equipping MEN -Norm Wakefield.
    Voddie Bauchman -What He must Be.[book],
    just to name a few….I am working around the house so I can’t remain on line …will share more if I can later.

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