A blonde woman holding up a picture of herself.

Are Cheaters Hypocrites?

An article in PsyPost caught my attention with the title “Study finds that cheaters are hypocrites when it comes to judgments about infidelity”. The title is definitely edgy. The

Couple running away from something on the beach

Escape From Intimacy

The first time I witnessed the ‘flight from intimacy‘ involved a grown man running from others attempting to get close to him. He ran from anyone getting close to

Woman who appears trapped

Trauma Bonds and Affairs

A couple of years ago, I produced a special report on trauma bonds for members of the Restored Lifestyle membership site I had. Although I thought about the report

An image of woman with messed up hair

Affair Partners are Losers

When a reader inquired about how affair partners are losers, it grabbed my attention. The more I considered their point, the more I realized they were onto something. Let’s

A caricature of an elderly man

Soul-Sucking Liars

It’s frustrating dealing with lying. After being lied to repeatedly you’re unsure what to believe and what to disbelieve. Life with the person lying to you becomes a guessing