Why does it feel that the world is against me?

When you stand up for your marriage, there will times when it feels like the whole world is against you. The reality is that that there are many pressure that are at work against traditional marriages. Many people have a vested interest in attacking your marriage, whether it be the lover, a divorce attorney, the private investigator, the potential lover, or people who have non-traditional values and view your marriage as a threat. Whatever type of person or pressure you are up against, the pressure you feel is real. There are people at work to undermine, weaken and destroy your marriage.

During such times, you need strength. You need encouragement. This is one of the many reasons that you need good friends and associates who can encourage you and share your struggles with you. Those persons who subscribe to the “dump the chump!” or “ditch the bitch!” camp are not what you need. They often do not want to see you suffer and want to see you past the pain. Rather than go through the pain with you, they prefer to opt for the quick fix answers. Dumping and ditching does does not solve the problems or heal the hurts. There may be a time that you will have to consider that option, yet being pushed in that direction rather than having supportive people helping you save your marriage is not good for you and only makes you feel more alone than before in facing a world that is against you.

You may have to accept that many of those who seem against you are actually against marriage and all that it includes. They often find values such as commitment, loyalty, unconditional love, honoring one’s promises, a threat to themselves or their values. Your taking a stand to honor your promises often reminds them of promises they have broken or commitments they have not honored. Realize that those attacking your marriage are each driven by self-interests. They are trying to protect themselves, their values and their way of thinking. You standing firm is a testimony to what God can do in a person’s life and a commitment to higher values than just personal peace or live for today good times.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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